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20 Artists And Designers to Follow for Inspiration

20 Artists And Designers to Follow for Inspiration

Web designers and artists have many sources for making an effective website. A few noteworthy sources are the Website Gallery, CSS Nectar, Abduzeedo, siteInspire and much more. These sources offer some latest design and provide an inspiration for their work due to the reliability, effectiveness and success it provides with the design.

Here are 20 designers who are worthy to follow for inspiration:

1. Shane Griffin Artist Shane Griffin Born in Ireland and based in New York City, his work ranges from animation to photography. He has a great number of clients including Bacardi, Adidas, and Nike.

2. Andrew Fairclough Artist Andrew Fairclough If you want to learn about design, the work of this self-taught designer and illustrator could give you a great inspiration. Mid-century spot illustrations have inspired to work on sci-fi and comic art.

3. Maria Grønlund Artist Maria Grønlund Her work is focused on logos and branding. She works at Denmark. Her work has a wide element of colors, abstract and high-quality design that could capture the senses.

4. Ruslan Khasanov Artist Ruslan Khasanov Learning about design is great and the work of this Russian artist could inspire you in terms of graphic design, typography and illustration.

5. Violaine & Jeremy Artist Violaine & Jeremy A duo who operates a graphic studio in Paris, they are an inspiration to follow due to the pencil sketches they do. They also have tried their hands on trend magazine Influencia.

6. Juri Zaech Artist Juri Zaech His speciality is typography but also focuses on advertising and takes a big effort in completing his work. He works in Paris, France.

7. Minga Firm Artist Minga Firm Based in Argentina, this is a design and creative company. The company focuses on making different characters in different illustrations.

8. Viktor Hertz Artist Viktor Hertz A Sweden-based design artist and freelance designer is a source of inspiration for the work on posters and movie stars.

9. Alberto Seveso Artist Alberto Seveso His portfolio is stunning with the digital images presented on it. He also has created arts for Nikon, Sony and much more.

10. Evgeny Parfenov Artist Evgeny Parfenov The work of this digital artist in terms of character illustration is mind blowing. This artist is the best source of inspiration with enormous works like Playboy, Wired, etc

11. Natalie Shau Artist Natalie Shau Recognized as a mixed media artist, her work grabs attention on digital illustration. She has worked with many leading clients such as Sony BMG and Cadbury.

12. Anton Semenov Artist Anton Semenov Watching his portfolio would give a dark undertone with a touch of creativity. His work is combined with many black and grey colours.

13. Bram Vanhaeren Artist Bram Vanhaeren He is currently working as an art director and design lead for KBC Bank and Insurance. His portfolio is rich in design and colour.

14. Melvin Zelissen Artist Melvin Zelissen Based in Netherlands, his work is focused on digital fantasy and sci-fi. And work as photographer, artist and graphic designer.

15. Richard Davies Artist Richard Davies Being in the business for 15 years, he has been busy working with print and corporate identity. His projects included those he has made for Rolling Stone and many more publications.

16. Steven Harrington Artist Steven Harrington He does a great work in terms of large-scale installations, books, skateboards and more. He has exhibited in Berlin, Paris and other countries.

17. Seb Lester Artist Seb Lester He is recognized as a big name in design and calligraphy and has delivered different types of illustrations and logos for large brands and clients.

18. Hey Studio Artist Hey Studio This great studio is excellent in graphic design. It also focuses on editorial design and other projects for the benefits of clients.

19. Mike Kus Artist Mike Kus He has skills in UI, graphic design, photography and web design. As seen in his portfolio he is the type of artists who pay attention to color and abundance.

20. Timothy Goodman Artist Timothy Goodman He is a designer and illustrator you would get inspiration from everything he builds. His work includes in some blogs and books like 40 Days of Dating.

ThemeVault is also a great source of inspiration for design where available free HTML website templates to download for better understanding and reference, also the work has done by some expert artists and designers. You can download portfolio templates from ThemeVault which are professionally designed with a source of creativity and innovation. If you have seen or observed some reference portfolios, let us know about the thought you have by writing your comments in the box below.


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