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404 pages: Best Practices to Design a Killer Error Page

404 pages: Best Practices to Design a Killer Error Page

Here it comes again – the 404 page. Perhaps many of us are wondering what that is for and why they always flaunted on websites when you wait for a page to appear. Maybe you’ll think they’re one of the worst things on the internet, but in fact, you are wrong. Because if you use it wisely with free website templates layouts, it will turn into opportunity if you have an online presence.

If you’ll place a creativity and thought into 404 Page, you can transform that annoying page into useful, interactive and fun opportunity in getting lots of website traffic and conversions. To help you, we have gathered the best practices to design your own killer error page so it becomes more helpful to your site.

Error –Redirection
You can use this not only to notify them that the page they’re trying to access is no longer available but to redirect and offer them another page to visit, where your offerings are available and that they might be interested in having.

Error Message
404 page is intended to notify the users that the page they want to access is not available. Don’t just say it’s an error but explain why something went wrong and tell what to do next. State some friendly messages and don’t explicitly tell them with “404 page not found.”

Branding Opportunity
There are opportunities to come before the 404 page. Make your branding look serve the function of the error page. Make use of the search box with your brand on there. The free website templates layouts will help you make this happen.

Overuse of An Opportunity
When the opportunity comes, grab it. Make use of the 404 Page as the opportunity for your brand. You already know that the interested contents many users are accessing are no longer available but you still use the page. Well, there is a reason for that. With creativity and innovative designs there are unlimited opportunities available for you. Isn’t it this is something you like to have? So make the most use of 404 page.

Don't Annoy but Amuse User
It is annoying, in the first place to know that the page you want to access is not available and the only thing you can see is the “404 Page Not Found” word. However, you can amuse the users by using best website templates layouts, attractive designs and colorful page.

Some best examples of 404 pages
There are lots of brandings using the best 404 Page to make annoying situations into opportunity. The brands like We Are Spry,, Airbnb, and Mailchimp are those that make use of the 404 Page wisely to monetize their offers and create an imaginative page on their site to help customers. If you are looking for this kind of opportunity, ThemeVault can offer you with free website templates layouts so you can acquire and perform the best practices to design a killer error page. Don’t annoy your potential customers but make a good impression out of those errors.


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