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Rovan- Multipurpose Portfolio HTML5 Template

Build an online creative portfolio for agency, creative team, freelance, individual artist, creative people, photographers or restaurants with Rovan a multipurpose portfolio HTML5 template. Rovan is easy to use and customizable online portfolio for showcasing your / artistic work and services. Rovan is an elegant and modern template suited for any type of businesses or organizations. The template has elegant features like the hover animations with the image banner, self description in about section, showing the mastery of the specialized fields, counter for the projects completed, section for displaying the services offered, portfolios for showcasing visuals, testimonials for increasing reliability, a quick contact form for emergency communication and links to the social media pages, also a Stick-to-Top button for better navigaton. This portfolio web page template can be a great choice for increasing online presence. Rovan is responsive design template and supported on all major handheld devices.


Template Type:


Compatible Browsers:

Google Chrome,Firefox,IE 10,Opera

Link hover effetcs:



1170 Grid System,CSS 3,HTML 5,jQuery


Contact Form

Additional Features:

Back To Top Button,Google Web Fonts,Social Links,Responsive Design,Stick To Top,Fancy box,Favicon,Gallery,Progress Bar,Counter

Image Sources:



Please note that the images in the template will be blurred in the downloaded package.


If you have any query regarding our Templates contact us at



Please note that the images in the template will be blurred in the downloaded package.

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